Sunamp has forged a strategic partnership with tepeo, manufacturer of the ZEB heat battery for space heating, to offer an innovative low-carbon, combi-like heating solution designed to replace the traditional boiler and hot water cylinder setup. It’s ideally suited for homes switching from gas combi-boilers but don’t have room for a bulky hot water cylinder.
The partnership means installers and homeowners can benefit from dealing with one company and having one delivery, reducing the carbon footprint and cost of installation. Homeowners can now remove their combi-boiler knowing their heating and hot water needs are addressed with two systems working as one.
As the demand for low carbon heating grows, the main challenge homeowners face, especially those with a fossil fuel combi boiler, is the lack of space to put in a low carbon heating solution and a hot water cylinder to provide hot water for washing and bathing.
To overcome this, tepeo has become a distributor of Thermino heat batteries for hot water to provide a high-performance space heating and compact hot water system.
tepeo, innovator of the ZEB, brings to the partnership its new breed of boiler that uses sensible heat battery technology to provide home heating. The ZEB uses electricity to store heat at the cheapest and greenest times, which can then be used throughout the day when the thermostat calls for heat. Coupled with its Smart Charging algorithm, which forecasts heating demand by learning a home’s heating habits; its ease of install, taking 1-2 days; and the ability to work with existing heating systems, the ZEB offers a highly efficient, low carbon heating solution for homes, especially those that aren’t suitable for a heat pump.
Coupled with our Thermino range of latent heat battery technology to provide hot water using our high performance Plentigrade phase change material, the partnership will deliver a unique combi-like heat battery solution delivering both space heating and hot water.
To learn more about heat battery solutions for homes from tepeo and Sunamp, register for the upcoming CIPHE webinar Heat Batteries for Installers on 23 October.